ASEZ University of Pittsburgh Cleanup to Reduce Crime Together

ASEZ Cleanup at the University of Pittsburgh

ASEZ volunteers from the University of Pittsburgh gathered on Sunday, November 17 for a cleanup along Oakland Avenue and Atwood Street. These streets are high-traffic areas for University of Pittsburgh students coming and going from their apartments. Atwood Street especially tends to accumulate garbage, much of it remaining for weeks or months at a time […]

ASEZ DIY Reusable Bag Event at the University of Pittsburgh

ASEZ DIY Tote Bags at the University of Pittsburgh

ASEZ students go at it again, this time by tackling the “E” in their SAVE movement—Environmental protection. Single-use plastic has a large effect on the health of the ecosystem. In turn, ASEZ students from the University of Pittsburgh hosted a DIY reusable bag event on September 16, 2019. Their goal was to promote recycling and […]

ASEZ West Philadelphia Park Cleanup

ASEZ West Philadelphia Park Cleanup

Around 35 ASEZ university student volunteers hosted a West Philadelphia park cleanup in partnership with District 3 Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell. The event was part of their Reduce Crime Together initiative. It’s also one step towards accomplishing Sustainable Development Goal #16, which aims to achieve “peace, justice and strong institutions” by 2030.   ASEZ West Philadelphia […]

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