The Spirit and the Bride

Heavenly Wedding Banquet

Water is vital for our physical life. Similarly, the water of life from the Spirit and the Bride is crucial for our spiritual life.

Heavenly Mother

world mission society church of god female image of god

Jesus Christ compared the kingdom of heaven to a wedding banquet. In that parable, we can learn the existence of God the Mother.

God the Mother and Eternal Life

god the mother mother

The Bible is the only book that explains who the Savior is and how we can receive eternal life. It also reveals prophecies about Jesus as well as second coming Christ. One of them is about the Last Adam and the Last Eve. Looking at the prophecies about Adam, we can understand about the existence of God the Mother.

The Throne of God

god the mother world mission society church of god

Through all of creation, God teaches us about the existence of the female image of God. It was God’s will that life in all living organisms come from mothers.

Jerusalem Mother

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In the book of Revelation, God the Mother appears as the Heavenly Jerusalem and the Bride of the Lamb to give all people eternal life.

God the Mother

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The Bible says that the Jerusalem above, the Heavenly Jerusalem, is God our Mother.

The Root of David

world mission society church of god

The Bible explains that only the church established by the Root of David, Christ Ahnsahnghong, offers the true teachings of God.

The Seal of God

New Covenant Passover

Christ Ahnsahnghong, who is Second Coming Christ, brought the seal of God, the New Covenant Passover, to protect us from various disasters.

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